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Trucking Company Hit and Run? Here’s What to Do

Trucking Through Colorado Here Are 10 Commercial Truck Accident Statistics You Should Know

If you’ve been involved in a hit and run accident with a commercial truck, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. The steps you take immediately following the accident can significantly impact the outcome of any legal action you may take against the trucking company. Here’s what you should do if you find yourself in this situation:

Seek Medical Attention

Your health and safety should always be your top priority after any accident. Even if you don’t think you’ve been seriously injured, it’s crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Some injuries, such as internal bleeding, may not show up immediately but can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Report the Accident to the Police

Contact the police immediately after the accident. Provide as much information as possible, including the make and model of the truck, the license plate number, and the name of the trucking company if you have it. The police will create a report of the incident, which may be useful in any legal proceedings.

Gather Evidence

If possible, take photos or videos of the accident scene, the damage to your vehicle, and any injuries you may have sustained. Collect the contact information of any witnesses who saw the accident. This evidence can help establish the trucking company’s liability in the hit-and-run accident.

Contact a Trucking Accident Lawyer in Denver

Hit-and-run accidents involving commercial trucks are complex legal matters that require the expertise of an experienced truck accident lawyer. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and hold the trucking company accountable for its negligence. If you’re in Denver, seek out a truck accident lawyer in Denver who has experience handling these types of cases.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Inform your insurance company of the accident as soon as possible. Provide them with any evidence you’ve collected and the police report. Your insurance company may be able to assist you in covering any medical expenses or property damage you’ve incurred as a result of the hit and run accident.


Being involved in a hit and run accident with a commercial truck can be a traumatic experience. However, by following these steps and seeking the help of an experienced truck crash lawyer in Denver, you can protect your legal rights and hold the trucking company responsible for their actions.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a truck accident and is seeking fair compensation, look no further than Mr. Boyle. As a highly experienced truck accident lawyer in Denver, he is committed to providing dedicated support to victims in their pursuit of justice. Contact us now to arrange a consultation and discover how we can help you navigate this difficult time.